Glacier modeling

A glacier is a mass of permanent ice, which is moving. For it formation are necessary low temperatures and snow compaction are necessary. 

Parts of a glacier: 
  • Cirque: Is the place where all the snow is collected and accumulated. 
  • Glacier tongue: After the glacier is compacted, it is the place where it descends. 
  • Moraine: They are the materials transported by a glacier. They can be:
    • Side.
    • Background.
    • Frontal.
    • Central. 

Types of glacier:
  • Valley glacier: They are situated in upland areas and lie in a valley like a river of ice. They are usual in the Alps. 

  • Cap glacier: They are large accumulations of snow on a point, where there is a lot of snow and the glacier starts were down in several directions. They are common in the Antarctica.

  • Hanging glacier: They are smaller than the others. They are formed because a valley is above another. An example is "Monte Perdido" 
Formations that occur: 
  • Bergschrund: Cracks in the walls of the circus.
  • Serac: Ice blocks broken when the glacier fall. 
  • Fleecy rock: Rocks shaped by the action of the glacier.
  • Erratic block: Large rocks that are not in the area that have been moved by a glacier. 
  • Tillites: Rocks of various sizes that are broken by the passage of the glacier. 
  • Esker: Meandering sand ridges, formed when the glacier is removed.
  • Drumlin: Mountain with one end with a very pronounced slope and the other with a very slight slope (when the glacier moves).

  • Ibones: Lake in the mountain formed because of the melt of a glacier.
  • Horn: Is a peak whose faces are cut by the passage of glaciers. 
  • Crenellations: Is the union of mountain peaks. 
  • Fjord: Is a glacial valley that was flooded by the sea.

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