
Transportation is the movement of materials from one place to another, which occurs due to different factors. The transportation can be selective or non selective:
  • Selective: The materials are moved depending on their shape, size, weight... The main geological agents that act are water and wind.
    • Water: The water transport the materials in the rivers, in liquid or solid state. 
      • Flotation: The materials are less dense than the water, so they float in it. 
      • Suspension: When the materials are as dense as the water, they get submerged in it.
      • Saltation: The materials are lightweight and jump on the river bottom, driven by water.
      • Drag: The largest materials are dragged. 
      • Dissolution: The material dissolves and it's pulled until the solvent disappears. 
    • Wind: Is less efficient than the water, but if the materials are suspended with the air, they can be moved farther than water. 
  • Non selective: The movement of the materials do not depend on their shape, weight, size...
    • Glacier: The materials stay over the ice during the solid state of it. When it melts, everything is deposited. 
    • Torrent: Materials are deposited in alluvial fan, and as the water is very strong, some materials are of large sizes. 

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