The water cycle

The water cycle describes the continuous movement of water on, above and below the Earth's surface.

The main processes involved in the water cycle are:
  • Evaporation: The water is evaporated from the oceans, land surface and also from the bodies. 
  • Condensation: The water raises, and condenses into clouds, which are form by water droplets.
  • Rainfall: Water droplets that form clouds cool and form largest drops that rush to the Earth's surface. The rainfall can be solid (snow) or liquid (rain).
  • Infiltration: The water that reaches the ground, penetrate the pores and becomes groundwater. 
  • Groundwater circulation: It's always down slope circulation. If the water stop in the ground, aquifers are form.
  • Fusion: This change happens when snow becomes liquid at the melting occur.
  • Solidification: When de water freeze, it rush as snow or hail. In the sea, a small tornado make the ice ascent. Then, the process start again, consecutively because the water never ends. 

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